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The Freethinking Podcasts

Sep 23, 2021

In this episode of the FreeThinking Podcast Tim and I venture further into the world of metaphysics. We discuss the free will debate from a metaphysical perspective, including discussions on compatibilism, agent vs. event causation, and moral and rational responsibility. There's some new stuff in here we...

Sep 16, 2021

In this episode of the FreeThinking Podcast Tim and I venture further into the world of metaphysics. We discuss two competing views regarding the nature of time: A-Theory vs. B-Theory. We also briefly talk about the debate between perdurantists and endurantists regarding persistence.

Sep 9, 2021

In this episode of the FreeThinking Podcast Tim and I venture further into the world of metaphysics. We discuss two competing views for regarding the nature of possible worlds: Concretism vs. Abstractionism.


Apologies for the audio quality of my voice, I think I might have had the wrong mic recording. It's not...

Sep 2, 2021

In this episode of the FreeThinking Podcast Tim and I venture further into the world of metaphysics. We discuss two competing views for Realists regarding the nature of exemplifying properties: Relational Ontology vs. Constituent Ontology.


Apologies for the audio quality of my voice, I think I might have had...

Aug 28, 2021

In this episode of the FreeThinking Podcast Tim and I venture further into the world of metaphysics. We discuss the many nuanced views of cause and effect, dispositional facts, and many other important topics.