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The Freethinking Podcasts

May 20, 2021

Provocative title so I'm sure you'll want to listen. We discuss Tim's proposed acronym for the Molinist. After all, if the Calvinists get an acronym, why can't we? Seems only fair. This episode is the second of two episodes that follow along with Tim's article on the subject which is linked below. Hope you enjoy!

May 13, 2021

Provocative title so I'm sure you'll want to listen. We discuss Tim's proposed acronym for the Molinist. After all, if the Calvinists get an acronym, why can't we? Seems only fair. This episode is the first of two episodes that follow along with Tim's article on the subject which is linked below. Hope you enjoy!

May 6, 2021

While recording our podcasts discussing Tim's response to Guillaume Bignon, I realized I'd disagreed with something I'd written down on our notes. Rather than cut off recording to discuss it, I decided to keep the cameras rolling so-to-speak, and both Tim and I liked the free flowing discussion that ensued. So I...